Process features

Process features are image object dependent features. They involve the relationship of a child process image object to a parent process. They are used in local processing. A process features feature refers to a relation of an image objects to a parent process object (PPO) of a given process distance in the process hierarchy.

The process distance in the process hierarchy represents the upward distance of hierarchical levels in process tree between a process and the parent process. The process distance is a basic parameter of process features features. Practically, that is the number of hierarchy levels in the Process Tree window above the current editing line, in which you find the definition of the parent object.

In the Process Tree, hierarchical levels are indicated by different indentations.

Process Tree window displaying a prototype of a process hierarchy. The processes are named according to their connection mode

For example, a process distance of 1 means that the parent process is located one hierarchical level above the current process. A process distance of 2 means that the parent process is located two hierarchical levels above the current process. Figuratively, you may say, a process distance of 2 defines the “grandparent” process.